วันจันทร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Natural Latex Mattress Production of 7-Zone CozyPure Performance Core

www.cozypure.com This video shows a visual tour of the production process of our pure performance natural latex core which is used in our organic mattresses. Narration by our president, Cheryl Hahn, talks about the benefits of using this exceptional natural latex core with a 7-zone progressive support system for optimum back support and comfort. A CozyPure Performance natural latex mattress literally provides increased energy return --- which helps you to wake up full of energy, night after night, day after day. You'll experience exceptional comfort and benefit from the 7-zone progressive support of the Performance core --- ergonomically designed with outstanding orthopedic properties and unparalleled point-elasticity which adapts perfectly to your body contours and helps to align your spinal column, whether you lie on your side or your back. The Performance core promotes good circulation and prevents pain in parts of the body where peak pressures can occur. A healthy sleeper wakes up in the morning without aching muscles and joints. Due to its open cellular structure, CozyPure Performance mattress has a healthy micro-climate, which means that temperature and moisture regulation are perfectly attuned to the sleeping environment. Third-Party Certified for harmful substances and toxins, as well as performance and quality, our Performance core has certifications from Okotex, LGA, EuroLatex Eco-Standard and the European Eco-Label. This means you can rest assured your sleep ...

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